Prayer of the Faithful - July 2018

Prayer of the Faithful
to Promote the Call to Priesthood
July 2018 (Year B)

1st July: Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time / Solemnity of St. Oliver Plunkett
For our young people, that the example of St. Oliver may inspire them to lives of courageous faith and may encourage those whom the Lord is calling to priesthood and religious life…

8th July: Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
That all men and women will answer the Lord with humble obedience when they are called to serve Him and His people as priests or in the consecrated life

15th July: Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
That all those called to serve Christ and His Church in the priesthood and consecrated life will receive the graces and authority of their mission to the praise of God’s glory…

22nd July: Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
For all the priests and religious men and women who serve our diocese, that, grateful for their calling, they will heed the Lord’s invitation to pray in restful solitude with Him…

29th July: Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
That the knowledge of our unity, one body and one spirit in Christ, will heighten each person’s faithfulness to their vocation and encourage those He is calling to strengthen His bond of peace as priests and consecrated religious…




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