Prayer of the Faithful - June 2018

​Prayer of the Faithful
to Promote the Call to Priesthood
June 2018

3rd June: The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)
For a growing trust in the presence of the Lord in His call among men and women being chosen to serve Him and His Church as priests and in the consecrated life…
10th June: Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
That as a Christian community we may be united in supporting those discerning the call to priesthood and religious life in our parish and in our diocese…
17th June: Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
That the seed of a vocation to the priesthood or religious life may be sown in many hearts and may bear fruit in the Lord’s vineyard…
24th June: The Nativity of St. John the Baptist
That the Lord will show favour on those discerning the call to be a prophetic voice in our times as priests or religious…
1st July: Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time / Solemnity of St. Oliver Plunkett
For our young people, that the example of St. Oliver may inspire them to lives of courageous faith and may encourage those whom the Lord is calling to priesthood and religious life…

(Image from ​




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