Shepherds After My Own Heart...

In 1992, Saint John Paul II issued an apostolic exhortation to the people of God about the formation of priests in the circumstances of today.

This exhortation was entitled "Pastores Dabo Vobis" in reference to Jeremiah 3:15 where the Lord promises: "I will give you shepherds after my own heart".

This document has become the seminal document on formation for the priesthood in and for today's Church. As Professor Julian Porteous writes: 

"The priesthood, of course, does not change: it is the one priesthood of Jesus Christ. But the circumstances it which it is to be expressed do change...As the Church enters the third millennium, it is appropriate to pose the question: what sort of priest is needed for today?"

With thanks to our colleagues at Clergy Life & Ministry in Australia (, you can download the document in PDF format right here (you may have to copy the link into your browser):




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