Our Newest Deacon!
Warmest congratulations to Rev Brian McNally from Cookstown on his ordination as (a Transitional) Deacon - we wish him every blessing on his journey to Priesthood and ask God to send more candidates for the Priesthood in our Archdiocese.
From the Facebook Page of the Beda College, Rome:
Diaconate Ordination - Wednesday 14 June 2023
Basilica of St Paul outside the Walls
The last day of the Beda College year is marked by the Ordination to the Diaconate. This year seven of our members were ordained by Archbishop Leo Cushley of St Andrews and Edinburgh, with two of the ordinands promising obedience directly to the archbishop. The ordinands were:
David Chung – Diocese of Port Louis, Mauritius
Paul Henderson and Peter Shankland - Archdiocese of Saint Andrews and Edinburgh
Thomas Hiney - Diocese of Portsmouth
Simon Marley - Diocese of Lancaster
Brian McNally - Archdiocese of Armagh
Eamon Salmon - Diocese of Ferns
The splendid liturgy under the guidance of the College MCs and Music Master was enhanced by the singing of the Schola Cantorum of St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral, Edinburgh, under the direction of Mr. Michael Ferguson.
The festive lunch at the College managed to outflank the constant threat of rain by hosting different groups of guests indoors allowing everyone the opportunity to venture in and out as they pleased. The celebrations went on until late in the afternoon.
From the Facebook Page of the Beda College, Rome:
Diaconate Ordination - Wednesday 14 June 2023
Basilica of St Paul outside the Walls
The last day of the Beda College year is marked by the Ordination to the Diaconate. This year seven of our members were ordained by Archbishop Leo Cushley of St Andrews and Edinburgh, with two of the ordinands promising obedience directly to the archbishop. The ordinands were:
David Chung – Diocese of Port Louis, Mauritius
Paul Henderson and Peter Shankland - Archdiocese of Saint Andrews and Edinburgh
Thomas Hiney - Diocese of Portsmouth
Simon Marley - Diocese of Lancaster
Brian McNally - Archdiocese of Armagh
Eamon Salmon - Diocese of Ferns
The splendid liturgy under the guidance of the College MCs and Music Master was enhanced by the singing of the Schola Cantorum of St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral, Edinburgh, under the direction of Mr. Michael Ferguson.
The festive lunch at the College managed to outflank the constant threat of rain by hosting different groups of guests indoors allowing everyone the opportunity to venture in and out as they pleased. The celebrations went on until late in the afternoon.

If you have a vocation, talk to a priest
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