Pray a Rosary in Lent for Vocations to the Priesthood

Praying for Vocations:
A Meditated Rosary for Vocations To the Priesthood And Consecrated Life
By Monsignor Peter Dunne
And Vicki Herout
© Copyright 2012, Maria Regina Cleri, All rights reserved.
Taken from
"In the Mysteries of the Rosary, we contemplate the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. But, if we look carefully with the eyes of faith, we may also see the life of a vocation to serve the Lord in His Church unfolding in the rhythm of the mysteries, following the path of the
life of Jesus.
In the Joyful Mysteries, we first see the seed of vocation appearing, the “infant” vocation, and we pray for its nurturing in devout homes, parishes, and schools.
In the Luminous Mysteries, the Mysteries of Light, we contemplate
the vocation as it takes its first steps into the light of the Church, and we pray for prayerful discernment.
In the Sorrowful Mysteries, we call to mind Jesus’ words, “…unless a grain of wheat falls to the [earth] and dies, it remains a grain of wheat, but if it dies...”
We pray for young men and women as they enter into formation, preparing to give their lives in service to the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ.
Finally, in the Glorious Mysteries, we contemplate in the Resurrection of Jesus the glorious entrance of the newly ordained or professed into the life of Holy Mother Church, and we pray for their mission, service, and fidelity.
Let us turn our eyes, then, to Mary and join with her in praying to the
Master of the Harvest that He many send an abundance of laborers
into His Holy Vineyard."
You can download a PDF of these Meditations here:
(Rosary image from
A Meditated Rosary for Vocations To the Priesthood And Consecrated Life
By Monsignor Peter Dunne
And Vicki Herout
© Copyright 2012, Maria Regina Cleri, All rights reserved.
Taken from
"In the Mysteries of the Rosary, we contemplate the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. But, if we look carefully with the eyes of faith, we may also see the life of a vocation to serve the Lord in His Church unfolding in the rhythm of the mysteries, following the path of the
life of Jesus.
In the Joyful Mysteries, we first see the seed of vocation appearing, the “infant” vocation, and we pray for its nurturing in devout homes, parishes, and schools.
In the Luminous Mysteries, the Mysteries of Light, we contemplate
the vocation as it takes its first steps into the light of the Church, and we pray for prayerful discernment.
In the Sorrowful Mysteries, we call to mind Jesus’ words, “…unless a grain of wheat falls to the [earth] and dies, it remains a grain of wheat, but if it dies...”
We pray for young men and women as they enter into formation, preparing to give their lives in service to the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ.
Finally, in the Glorious Mysteries, we contemplate in the Resurrection of Jesus the glorious entrance of the newly ordained or professed into the life of Holy Mother Church, and we pray for their mission, service, and fidelity.
Let us turn our eyes, then, to Mary and join with her in praying to the
Master of the Harvest that He many send an abundance of laborers
into His Holy Vineyard."
You can download a PDF of these Meditations here:
(Rosary image from
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