SJYPS Armagh Now on Facebook!

The Armagh branch of Saint Joseph's Young Priests' Society now have their own Facebook page.

Please visit their page and "Like" what you find there!

Link is:

St. Joseph's Young Priests Society is a Catholic lay organisation which exists to help student priests on their journey to priesthood. The Society fosters vocations to the priesthood and religious life. It assists students for the priesthood both financially and by prayer. It promotes the vocation of the laity and fosters a greater understanding and love of the Mass.

More information on the Society is here:

A Prayer for Guidance
Holy Spirit give me wisdom
to discern the path of life
you wish me to follow.
Help me to see clearly the
things that matter and the
things that don’t.

Help me to use every gift
I have, remembering that it
is from you.

Spirit of God give me a
generous and open heart,
making me an instrument
of peace and love in
whatever choice I make.

Members of the Armagh branch on a visit to the
National Seminary of Ireland at Maynooth (2015).




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