Explore God's call for you...

"explore A way" is a programme which provides the opportunity for young, single, men and women between the ages of 21-40 who are interested in exploring religious life and the priesthood in a reflective and prayerful environment. 

Join them on Sunday 14th September 2014 from 2-6pm in St. Teresa's Church, Clarendon Street, Dublin 2 or on Sunday 12th October 2014 from 2-6pm in Clonard Monastery, Belfast, BT13 2RLto find out more about exploreAway.

It promises to be an informative and relaxed afternoon with some good pizza and chat to follow!

Booking is essential; please contact Sr. Gabrielle Farrell on 087-3584447 or Fr. Alan on 085-7664480.

Further information available at www.exploreAway.net, and www.vocationsireland.com




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