Welcome to Our New Website!
Dear Friends,
I welcome you to armaghpriest.com, the Armagh diocesan website for vocations to the priesthood and I hope that you find this site both informative and helpful. Trying to understand where we’re being called in life can be an anxious but yet, an exciting adventure. Being called to be a priest in our world today is a calling that fulfils the deepest desires in the human heart to both serve the Lord and also our brothers and sisters. It takes time and courage discerning a vocation to priesthood, it is indeed a very gradual process. Understanding where God is calling you in life is about unearthing a treasure that the Lord has placed in your heart and it’s important to be aware that you’re not on your own as you discern a vocation to priesthood but there are many people there to help you.
Responding to the call of Christ to be a priest or responding to his invitation to “Come and see” is indeed a great challenge. Being a spiritual father to those entrusted to your care demands strength of character and courage. Being a priest in our world today brings with it the knowledge that you’re not alone but with Christ and with the love and support of the Christian community, you will make a great difference in the lives of many people. God gives each one of us one life and if we live that life as a priest, ministering to the needs of His people, then it will be a life well spent. Pope Francis tells us: “Today, amid so much darkness, we need to see the light of hope and we need men and women who will bring it to others”. The Lord has called and he continues to call men and women of courage, to be signs of hope in our communities, in our country and in our world.
If you have any questions about the call to priesthood in the Archdiocese of Armagh or if you’d like to meet with myself, the Director of Vocations or indeed with your local priest, please feel free to make contact. Every priest is called to be a vocations director and every priest is called to do what he can in nourishing and fostering vocations. All of us should be supportive of those who may be discerning their future and who may be considering their call. It may take courage, taking that first step to make contact but it’s important to know that any contact you make will be in confidence and will put you under no obligation.
With every good wish
Rev Peter McAnenly
Director of Vocations
I welcome you to armaghpriest.com, the Armagh diocesan website for vocations to the priesthood and I hope that you find this site both informative and helpful. Trying to understand where we’re being called in life can be an anxious but yet, an exciting adventure. Being called to be a priest in our world today is a calling that fulfils the deepest desires in the human heart to both serve the Lord and also our brothers and sisters. It takes time and courage discerning a vocation to priesthood, it is indeed a very gradual process. Understanding where God is calling you in life is about unearthing a treasure that the Lord has placed in your heart and it’s important to be aware that you’re not on your own as you discern a vocation to priesthood but there are many people there to help you.
Responding to the call of Christ to be a priest or responding to his invitation to “Come and see” is indeed a great challenge. Being a spiritual father to those entrusted to your care demands strength of character and courage. Being a priest in our world today brings with it the knowledge that you’re not alone but with Christ and with the love and support of the Christian community, you will make a great difference in the lives of many people. God gives each one of us one life and if we live that life as a priest, ministering to the needs of His people, then it will be a life well spent. Pope Francis tells us: “Today, amid so much darkness, we need to see the light of hope and we need men and women who will bring it to others”. The Lord has called and he continues to call men and women of courage, to be signs of hope in our communities, in our country and in our world.
If you have any questions about the call to priesthood in the Archdiocese of Armagh or if you’d like to meet with myself, the Director of Vocations or indeed with your local priest, please feel free to make contact. Every priest is called to be a vocations director and every priest is called to do what he can in nourishing and fostering vocations. All of us should be supportive of those who may be discerning their future and who may be considering their call. It may take courage, taking that first step to make contact but it’s important to know that any contact you make will be in confidence and will put you under no obligation.
With every good wish
Rev Peter McAnenly
Director of Vocations
If you have a vocation, talk to a priest
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